[U-Boot-Users] [patch 1/1] DNP1110

Rolf Offermanns roffermanns at sysgo.de
Fri Mar 21 11:14:34 CET 2003

I ported the dnp1110 related changes from the current armboot cvs to 
current u-boot cvs.

init_critical works, flash works, but unfortunately smc91111 does not 
work. The code is identical to the armboot code and I was not able to 
find the problem. Maybe one of you can help out and give me a hint.
I marked the problem in smc91111.c, grep for "FIXME".

Rolf Offermanns <roffermanns at sysgo.de>
Sysgo AG
Am Pfaffenstein 14                    phone: +49 6136 9948-0
D-55270 Klein-Winternheim / Germany   fax  : +49 6136 9948-10
http://www.sysgo.de                   http://www.elinos.com

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