[U-Boot-Users] U-Boot+CSB637

Anders Larsen alarsen at rea.de
Fri Jul 15 09:27:09 CEST 2005

subramanian mohankumar <mohankrs at yahoo.com> schreibt:
>Thanks for u'r suggestion. I downloaded u-boot1.1.3
>from net. We are now reducing the PLL clock to <

I set the clocks at 184.320MHz, since this is the value the
Cogent-supplied boot-loader uses, and the value Linux expects.
If the CSB637 doesn't work with that clock frequency, it's
really Cogent's problem.
>or is there any seperate config file for csb637 board.


make csb637_config

...but please bear in mind that the patches I mentioned have
not been merged yet - you have to apply them yourself first.
>Can we use the loader.bin, boot.bin that was supplied
>with Atmel's development kit(AT91RM9200dk) for CSB637

No (and you don't need them).


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