[U-Boot-Users] Re: Problem with bootm command

Mirco Fuchs mircofuchs at web.de
Tue Jul 26 13:37:36 CEST 2005

>in message <4221395 at web.de> you wrote: 
>> I searched the do_bootm_linux() function to find out what u-boot is doing 
>> when booting linux using the bootm command, because the kernel patch i fou 
>> nd in the mailing list (which makes the kernel able to copy an initrd dire 
>> ctly from flash to ram) has to be used with kernel version 2.4.18, but i h 
>> ave 2.6.12. 
>It would be definitely helpful if you expolained which architecture 
>you're working on. I speculate that this is ona ARM system? 

 It's an AT91RM9200

>> ll fail to load the ramdisk. But there is no such string in my enviroment, 
>> so shouldn't the bootm command copy initrd to it's designated sdram locat 
>> ion? It seems as it does not because the start address of the initrd, whic 
>> h u-boot delivers to the linux kernel is located in flash (one can read it 
>> in the kernel booting sequence; the error is that the initrd extends phys 
>> ical memory, but it's quite clear why this error occures). 
>I cannot parse this. Isn't your flash mapped in a physical address 
>range? Or what exacty do you mean? 

The point is the following. The flash is mapped from 0x10000000 to 0x10800000.
u-boot delilveres the start address of the initrd to the kernel which is 0x10160000, if the image is located in flash. But the Kernel expects an address located in the sdram which is mapped from 0x2000000 to 0x24000000. Thats why the kernel is not able to mount the initrd. It tells me that the initrd extends physical memory

>All this has been discussed many times before. May I suggest to 
>search the archives? 
>> Is it possible to force u-boot to copy the image to ram? Of course i could 
>Why should it do that? It's just a waste of boot time. THe kernel can 
>poick it up from flash, so why bother with copying it to ram first? 

Of course, it's a waste of time, but obviously my kernel is not able to pick it up from flash


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