[U-Boot-Users] Re: Trouble in cfi_flash, help please!

Yusuf Ibrahim Ozkok yozkok at aselsan.com.tr
Fri Jun 17 08:42:41 CEST 2005

>It depends on the chip. For some chips, all sectors are unprotected, for

>others (like the chip you're working with) only one sector is

>unprotected. What I see from the debug prints is what I suspected:

>unprotect works OK but protecting already protected sector results in

>time-out (though Intel's docs don't say it's a forbidden


That's right, I had already thought it previously and had commented out the 
code reprotecting the sectors that are not to be unprotected.

While I was capturing the debug output to send you, I used the last orijinal 
cfi_flash driver, which I downloaded from CVS. But in my modified (see 
below) driver it's commented out. And it still doesn't work.


if ((retcode =

flash_full_status_check (info, sector, info->erase_blk_tout,

prot ? "protect" : "unprotect")) == 0) {

info->protect[sector] = prot;

/*yio: commented out the following part, due to Intel 28F640C3T do not 
unprotects all sectors.*/

/*Intel's unprotect unprotects all locking *

if (prot == 0) {

flash_sect_t i;

for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {

if (info->protect[i])

flash_real_protect (info, i, 1);




return retcode;


>Note: time-out appears after 0x60 0x01 sequence, not after

>0x60 0xD0. If you try to write/erase the sector which you tried to

>unprotect, I think you'll succeed.

That is the an other strange thing. When the region that I want to unprotect 
is erased, unprotection operation works well.

But if something is written in that region it fails. (???) Since I tried it 
hundreds of times, in my previous mail, I simply powered on the board and 
run the protect off command ignoring this issue. Unluckily the region was 
erased and you naturally observed it as if it works.

debug messages are as follows;


=> md ff040000

ff040000: 27051956 552d426f 6f742031 2e312e32 '..VU-Boot 1.1.2

ff040010: 20284a75 6e202037 20323030 35202d20 (Jun 7 2005 -

ff040020: 31363a31 313a3438 29000000 00000000 16:11:48).......

ff040030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

ff040040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

=> fli

Bank # 1: CFI conformant FLASH (64 x 16) Size: 32 MB in 135 Sectors

Erase timeout 8192 ms, write timeout 0 ms, buffer write timeout 1 ms, buffer 

ze 1

Sector Start Addresses:

FF000000 (RO) FF040000 (RO) FF080000 (RO) FF0C0000 (RO) FF100000 (R

=> protect off ff040000 ff07ffff

Un-Protecting sectors 1..1 in bank 1

fwrite addr ff040000 cmd 50 0050005000500050 64 bit x 16 bit

fwrite addr ff040000 cmd 60 0060006000600060 64 bit x 16 bit

fwrite addr ff040000 cmd d0 00d000d000d000d0 64 bit x 16 bit

flash_is_busy: 1

long addr is at ff040000 info->portwidth = 8

addr[0] = 0x27

addr[1] = 0x5

addr[2] = 0x19

addr[3] = 0x56

addr[4] = 0x55

addr[5] = 0x2d

addr[6] = 0x42

addr[7] = 0x6f

addr[8] = 0x6f

addr[9] = 0x74

addr[a] = 0x20

addr[b] = 0x31

addr[c] = 0x2e

addr[d] = 0x31

addr[e] = 0x2e

addr[f] = 0x32

addr[10] = 0x20

addr[11] = 0x28

addr[12] = 0x4a

addr[13] = 0x75

addr[14] = 0x6e

addr[15] = 0x20

addr[16] = 0x20

addr[17] = 0x37

addr[18] = 0x20

addr[19] = 0x32

addr[1a] = 0x30

addr[1b] = 0x30

addr[1c] = 0x35

addr[1d] = 0x20

addr[1e] = 0x2d

addr[1f] = 0x20

Flash unprotect timeout at address ff040000 data 326f2037

fwrite addr ff040000 cmd ff 00ff00ff00ff00ff 64 bit x 16 bit

is= cmd 80(?) addr ff040000 is= 27051956552d426f 0080008000800080

Flash unprotect error at address ff040000

fwrite addr ff040000 cmd ff 00ff00ff00ff00ff 64 bit x 16 bit

.Un-Protected 1 sectors

=> fli

Bank # 1: CFI conformant FLASH (64 x 16) Size: 32 MB in 135 Sectors

Erase timeout 8192 ms, write timeout 0 ms, buffer write timeout 1 ms, buffer 

ze 1

Sector Start Addresses:

Sector Start Addresses:





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