Wolfgang Denk wd at denx.de
Wed Jul 19 08:50:30 CEST 2006

In message <3d261bac0607182344h54045ff2v1b2e5c80782d9a01 at mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
> Hi All,

Why are you shouting at us? Or is your capslock key stuck? get it unstuck!

>          I want to know what all changes are required in Integratorap or
> ap7(both are of ARM7 type) to make it compatible for ARM7TDMI .

I don't understand  your  question.  The  integratorap  and  ap7  are
already supported by U-Boot, so no changes are necessary.

> Please Reply.


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NEVER port HTML here!

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at denx.de
You go slow, be gentle. It's no one-way street -- you  know  how  you
feel and that's all. It's how the girl feels too. Don't press. If the
girl feels anything for you at all, you'll know.
	-- Kirk, "Charlie X", stardate 1535.8

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