[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] mpc885ads: Don't define CONFIG_BZIP2.

Scott Wood scottwood at freescale.com
Wed Aug 15 23:16:57 CEST 2007

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> In message <20070815204646.GB17995 at ld0162-tx32.am.freescale.net> you wrote:
>>bzip2 requires a significant chunk of malloc space, and there isn't
>>enough room on mpc885ads (with only 8MB RAM) for both bzip2's malloc area
>>and a downloaded image at 0x400000.
> So download the image to 0x200000 ?

There's no device tree support yet, so the wrapper is being used, and 
that expects to be loaded at 0x400000.  Even if that were changed, 
moving it would mean there's less room for the relocated kernel, which 
gets moved down to zero (there's currently no way to tell the wrapper 
that the kernel's already uncompressed, so don't bother moving it at all).


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