Shane Volpe shanevolpe at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 14:40:09 CEST 2009

I have a PXA270 system with U-boot v2009.08 installed, currently this
system is successfully using the U-boot mmc interface (legacy) .
However, after looking through the u-boot source code, I see there is
a new mmc interface (CONFIG_GENERIC_MMC),  should I be using the
generic mmc interface?  I have tried it but it does not seem to work,
I'm assuming that it probably requires initialization of the MMC
hardware in the board files whereas in the legacy mmc system that was
done by the (legacy_mmc_init) board specific mmc (pxa_mmc.c) code.

Questions regarding the new GENERIC_MMC interface:
1.) Is there any documentation in place (or can someone send me off a
quick reply) on how to set up the generic mmc driver with a board?
2.) Is it ready (recommended) to use or is it still under heavy development?
3.) Does it support SDHC or just SD?


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