[U-Boot] cmd_onenand.c, onenand_block_read (...)

Tuma chernigovskiy at spb.gs.ru
Tue Oct 20 15:27:04 CEST 2009

Hi, All!

It seems I have a trouble.
I want to use onenand_block_read function. So I've written a cover for it:

int OneNANDBlockRead (loff_t _from, ssize_t _len,
 ssize_t *_retlen, u_char *_buf, int _oob)
  int lRet;

  return lRet;

When I do from this fuction:
  printf ("Reading from: 0x%X, Length: 0x%X\n", _from, _len);
I get _len and _form swapped.
What's wrong?

I tryed to pass _from and _len as pointers - pointer addresses are correct but 
  printf ("Reading from: 0x%X\n", *_from);
  printf ("Reading Length: 0x%X\n", *_len);
return swapped result again.

This is how I call OneNANDBlockRead function:
static const ssize_t lLen = 0x20;
static const ulong lLT = 0x00260000;
OneNANDBlockRead (&lLT, &lLen, &retlen, lEnvironment, 0);

I don't understand it.
Can someone help me please.

Of course if you need some more information on my problem - you can ask me.

Software Developer
General Satellite Corp.

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