[U-Boot] [PATCH V3 1/3] arm926ejs: fix linker file for newer ld support

Albert ARIBAUD albert.aribaud at free.fr
Thu Nov 4 20:20:12 CET 2010

Le 04/11/2010 19:42, Alexander Holler a écrit :
> Am 04.11.2010 19:37, schrieb Alexander Holler:
>>> You're still using a locally-built toolchain different from CS and ELDK
>>> toolhcains that were tested so far, right? There is a warning at the
>> Yes, I'm still using Gentoo to compile u-boot native on that board.
>>> linker stage in the build log you sent me:
>>> ld: warning: creating a DT_TEXTREL in object.
>>> which I don't have using the CS 2010q1 toolchain.
>> This warning comes through one of the patches Gentoo applies to
>> binutils. That patch can be found inside the archive here:
>> ftp://de-mirror.org/distro/gentoo/distfiles/binutils-2.20.1-patches-1.1.tar.bz2
> If I read that patch (66_*) correctly, it's the same as when using
> --warn-shared-textrel in LDFLAGS.

All right. I don't like getting a warning like that, but as I cannot 
reproduce your toolchain, I cannot avoid it.

Regarding the build you sent me, the fixup for monitor_flash_len is 
present in the fixup table at the 11th entry at 00752fb8 and the fixup 
table is correctly accessible using _rel_dyn_start_ofs and 
_rel_dyn_end_ofs. That means your code should have done the fixup if the 
relocation loop was run correctly.

Can you do a step-by-step run of the fixup loop under a debugger?

> Regards,
> Alexander


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