[U-Boot] U-boot with USB storage support for WonderMedia WM8505

Albert ARIBAUD albert.u.boot at aribaud.net
Sat Jul 2 17:17:34 CEST 2011

Le 02/07/2011 16:21, Chris Barnes a écrit :
> Hi Albert,
> It would be great if i could get the original u-boot image and/or
> sources and maybe even the original Windows CE 6 from the manufacturer,
> however I dont know who the manufacturer is.
> I cant find anyone who makes "Easy Notebook P701" or offers downloads
> for it.
> These netbooks appear to be mass produced as oem units and rebranded by
> numerous different sellers. for example, my netbook also matches the
> hardware description of the EPC 7" P701 netbook, and even a netbook
> called the Fashion 7" Netbook.

This might prove to be a problem.
> The other issue is that this netbook has been tampered with as far as
> the warranty and support is concerned since the previous owner attempted
> to install Android which has replaced the wload, the u-boot, and the
> original Windows CE system cant be booted anymore so the store the
> netbook was bought from wont help.

They might still let you know which provider they bought from.

> At this stage i really have no other choice but to take a chance and
> hope that someone with similar hardware can provide their working u-boot.
> Theres a lot of reports of users attempting to install Android on these
> netbooks and ending up in the same position im in but so far ive not
> seen a suitable solution. A lot of attempts to fix the problem involve
> installing a different u-boot, which ive attempted, but none of them
> appear to have usb storage support and therefore the flash disk is
> unavailable.

If you know of some u-boot board configs that were successfully used for 
this device, and if the board config has USB support enabled but USB 
storage support disabled, then you *might* have a chance of adding USB 
storage. Can you list these configs that were used and what the result was?

> My last resort is to go back to the online store where the netbook was
> originally purchased and ask someone on their forum if they will be kind
> enough to let me copy the u-boot from their working netbook.

That's assuming they can get their hand on it. It would require access 
to the Flash from the OS level, something that is far from granted.


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