Passing ethaddr and eth1addr from FSBL @ 0xfffffc00 not working anymore

Vincent van Beveren v.van.beveren at
Fri May 12 09:59:38 CEST 2023


I hope this is the right mailing list to ask beginners questions. I've 
asked this question also a the Xilinxs forum (Petalinux based board), 
without much help.. but it must be something simple, but I don't know 
much about u-boot yet.

Previously using Petalinux 2019.1 (not sure which u-boot version, I 
guess 2019?), I would write environment variables in the FSBL @ address 
0xfffffc00 (ethaddr, and eth1addr) and when u-boot was loaded these 
variables where automatically added to the u-boot environment, and also 
use  for DCHP etc.

Currently this does not seem to happen anymore in Petalinux 2022.2 
(u-boot reports version 2022.1). Now, I can add `env import -t 
0xfffffc00 0x300` to the bootcmd, but this appears to me to be 
post-factum. I.e. I don't think u-boot will not use these variables for 
TFTP or so.

How do I configure u-boot to load the environment again from the above 
address or is there another way of loading the two MAC addresses from an 
EEPROM and putting them in the environment at u-boot start-up? Any 
pointers or advice would be welcome. Thanks!

Kind regards,

National Institute for Subatomic Physics Nikhef
Department of Computer Technology
Mobile: +31 (0)646812032
E-mail:v.van.beveren at

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