<div><br clear="all">Dear Sir,</div>
<div> I am compiling u-boot (make ap_config) in order to get "<font color="#3366ff">u-boot.bin</font>" , and downloading the image by using MultiICE debugger.</div>
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<div>We have an image for e-cos with us which is working fine on our ARM7TDMI board , in order to load that image into our board first of all we have to load an image <font color="#3366ff">"initTool.axf"</font>
after that we load the binary image(.bin).</div>
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<div>Now same way we are adopting for loading an image created by u-boot but since that is basically for e-cos and we are doing it for LINUX,</div>
<div>What way we will adopt in order to successfully download our image .<br>-- </div>
<div>Please Help (Thanks in Advance).</div>
<div><br>Best Regards,<br>Kushal Ahuja </div>