[TARGET] CPUTYPE 8349 ;the CPU type JTAGCLOCK 0 ;use 16 MHz JTAG clock STARTUP RESET ;halt immediately at the boot vector BREAKMODE HARD ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoint STEPMODE HWBP ;TRACE or HWBP, HWBP uses a hardware breakpoint ;RCW 0xbf60a000 0x04040000 ;VECTOR CATCH ;QACK LOW ;POWERUP 2000 ;start delay after power-up detected in ms ;WAKEUP 2000 ;give reset time to complete [HOST] IP FILE $u-boot.bin FORMAT BIN 0x10000 LOAD MANUAL ;load code MANUAL or AUTO after reset PROMPT 8349ITX> DUMP itx-dump.bin [FLASH] CHIPTYPE AM29BX16 CHIPSIZE 0x800000 ;The size of one flash chip in bytes ;WORKSPACE 200000 BUSWIDTH 16 ;The width of the flash memory bus in bits (8 | 16 | 32 | 64) FILE $flash_image.bin FORMAT BIN 0xfe000000 ERASE 0xfe000000 0x10000 128 ; Erase 8MB, each sector is 64KB [REGS] FILE $reg8349e.def