<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Hello all,<br><br>We have a requirement in an MPC8540 based custom board,for the board to boot-up independent of SDRAM.<br><br>So, we are trying to map SRAM in place od SDRAM in u-boot. Though we succeeded bringing-up the board with this change, we see the behaviour being very flaky.<br><br>Though the board boots up without SDRAM module (say 2 /10 times), this happens only intitiating the boot-up from BDI.<br>Otherwise it hangs while reading the CPU clock or configuring base registers. The board never comes up stand alone.<br><br>I think this happens while reading from Global Data / Initial stack which is supposed to be running from SDRAM , now moved to SRAM.<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br><br>I did browse through the u-boot mailing list to see any similar case, but don't and thats the reason I am
asking for help.<br><br>So, my question is is it possible to run u-boot by relocating to SRAM instead of SDRAM ?<br><br>Any help is appreciated.<br><br>Thanks<br>Junita<br><br><br></div></div><br>
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