Hello friends,<BR>
I am new to u-boot and I am facing some basic problem. <BR>
Q.- How does u-boot detects that my board is mpc8xx? i.e. for eg. in board.c, in preprocessr directives<BR>
#if CONFIG_8xx<BR>
when I see the tag of CONFIG_8xx using ctags, then it brings me to /cpu/mpc_8xx/start.s in which<BR>
#define CONFIG_8xx 1,<BR>
then all the board related stuff happens, But how??<BR>
- Actually, I am not getting the flow of code.<BR>
Can any one explain me flow of the code of u-boot. <BR>
I know this very basic question.<BR>
But, I am not getting the mailing list archives when 'u-boot' was 'ppcboot', means very first mailing list archives.<BR>
thanking you.
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