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<DIV>the field of [31:0] in the register MIO_TWS_SW_TWSI is data field, in the following function the low-8-bit of the 16-bit address is loaded in the MIO_TWS_SW_TWSI[7:0]. WHY? </DIV>
<DIV>int octeon_twsi_set_addr8(uint8_t dev_addr, uint16_t addr)<BR>{</DIV>
<DIV> /* 16 bit internal address ONLY */<BR> uint64_t val;<BR> octeon_write64(CVMX_MIO_TWS_SW_TWSI,0x8000000000000000ull | ( 0x0ull << 57) | (((uint64_t)dev_addr) << 40) | (addr & 0xff)); // tell twsii to do the read<BR> while (octeon_read64(CVMX_MIO_TWS_SW_TWSI)&0x8000000000000000ull);<BR> val = octeon_read64(CVMX_MIO_TWS_SW_TWSI);<BR> if (!(val & 0x0100000000000000ull)) {<BR> return -1;<BR> }</DIV>
<DIV> return(0);<BR>}</DIV>
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