[ELDK] building .ko objects

Price, John @ SDS john.p.price at l-3com.com
Thu Apr 24 16:00:20 CEST 2008

>[Jim Douglas] 
>I would recommend reading LDD3.  Chapter 2 should tell you what you
>want.  http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxdrive3/ and

I have read the oreilly LDD3, I believe the issue is understanding the
denx build process.  

If I have any clue at all it looks to me as though the build process
with samples enabled will build builtin.o.

Then I guess the builtin.o is linked into the kernel, not really sure.

However what I want is to create a directory and have the ability to
generate module.ko in that directory for use later.

Thanks for the response Jim.

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