[ELDK] crond not working

Germano Barreiro germano.barreiro at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 16:56:24 CET 2010


Crond is not working in my ELDK ARM based embedded installation, and I
cant figure out why.
I have configured a single test with this one line /etc/crontab file:

20    12    *    *    *    /usr/local/bin/mestre.sh

But at 12:20 the script didnt get called - or at least it looks like
so since, inside mestre.sh, I have only this:


/bin/date >> /tmp/testecron.txt

I tried also with this in crontab:

0-59    *    *    *    *    /usr/local/bin/mestre.sh

without success.

In /var/log/cron I have only:

root at cbc:/root:# cat /var/log/cron
Feb 25 10:43:20 cbc crond[1963]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Feb 25 10:44:01 cbc crond[1963]: (*system*) RELOAD (/etc/crontab)
Feb 25 10:44:21 cbc crond[2028]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Feb 25 10:46:18 cbc crond[2070]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Feb 25 11:48:22 cbc crond[2111]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Feb 25 12:16:20 cbc crond[2356]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)

Well, I'm stuck. Any advise about how should I investigate the cause
of the problem is more than welcome.

Thanks in advance

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