Test Groups and Dependencies

Anthony Needles needles.anthony at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 00:29:02 CEST 2022

Hi all,

Hopefully this is the right place to ask this. I am currently using tbot at
my work and like it very much. However, we require two specific features
that I am manually implementing:

1. Test cases can be marked to be in a group (at the test case definition,
with a python decorator). This way groups of tests can be ran in a simpler,
unified method.

2. With the same decorator method as #1, define dependencies for tests. If
a certain test is invoked, and it is found to have another test case (or
group) as a dependency, those are automatically ran first.

For example:

@tbot.testcase(groups=[“networking”], depends=[“reach_login”],
def wifi_connectivity_test():

While something like grouping can be done with the existing
tbot.tc.testsuite method, but it seems like better organization to define
all attributes of a testcase at the actual testcase definition.

I was wondering if these features are something that would be desirable to
have natively in tbot. Since I’m already writing the general logic, I could
possibly contribute to tbot to add these. I’m new to open source
contributions, but I think this would be pretty cool to do. Let me know if
these features are in-scope with the desired functionality of tbot, and I
can start contributions.


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