[U-Boot-Users] "date reset" for MPC8xx

Steven Scholz steven.scholz at imc-berlin.de
Mon Apr 14 15:16:50 CEST 2003

Hi there,

I think would should realy reset the MPC8xx's internal RTC when 
calling "date reset" or "rtc_reset" instead of "nothing to do".

Please find and consider the attached patch.


I have seen it several times, that the MPC8xx's internal RTC contains 
an invalid date, e.g. negative times (caused by no or low battery). 
That might result in dates before 1970-01-01 under Linux and that in 
turn confuses timeouts.

I've seen that udhcpc (from busybox) hangs in such cases!

For that reason u-boot should check for valid dates and do a 
rtc_reset() if nessesary.





* Patch by Steven Scholz, 14 Apr 2003:
   - reset_rtc() sets MPC8xx internal RTC back to 1970-01-01

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