[U-Boot-Users] reading environment from flash fails

Wolter Kamphuis spam at wkamphuis.student.utwente.nl
Mon Dec 1 18:10:24 CET 2003

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> In message <3FC7802B.7010506 at wkamphuis.student.utwente.nl> you wrote:
>>We define:
>>#define CFG_MONITOR_BASE 0xFFF00000
>>#define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE (128*1024)
>>#define CFG_ENV_SIZE (2*1024)
> The CFG_ENV_ADDR definition makes no sense to me. If  it  results  in
> the intended value than by pure chance, not by any deeper logic.
U-boot is located at 0xfff00000 up to 0xfff20000. I would like to save 
my environment in the same sector as u-boot, but in the last two Kb's, 
thus at 0xfff1f800-0xfff20000

(0xfff00000 + 0x20000 - 0x800 = 0xfff1f800 = starting address for env)

>>Shouldn't gd->env_addr be equal to CFG_ENV_ADDR? Now my saved 
>>environment settings aren't read and after a reset all settings are 
>>restored to the defaults.
> I don't know which board you're talking about, and I don't understand
> how your patch and your question are related to each other. From this
> message it sounds as if you want to put the environment in flash, but
> your code #defines CFG_ENV_IS_IN_NVRAM (at least in some cases).
Sorry, forgot to tell. This patch is for 3 boards, the QS823, QS850 and
the QS860T. We only got the QS850 boards so I'm only talking about the 
QS850. The QS850 only has flash ram, no nvram. The board I'm testing on 
has 8Mb flash but we also got boards with 4Mb flash. Full spec's can be 
found at http://www.snmc.com/prod_qs850.html

>>Could someone give me a tip pointer where to look for a solution? I have 
>>a feeling it has something to do with the u-boot.lds file but I don't 
>>know what.
> Of course the linker script must match your flash layout.
Ok, now the problem is I don't know how to tell the linker where to 
store the environment. If I add

. = env_offset;
common/environment.o    (.text)

to the u-boot.lds I get "cannot move location counter backwards (from 
fff07b10 to 0061f800)". Where does the 0061f800 comes from?

If I force the offset to 0xfff1f800 and add

. = 0xfff10000;
common/environment.o    (.text)

to the u-boot.lds I get "cannot move location counter backwards (from 
fff07b10 to ffe1f800)". Anyone here knows why 0xfff10000 becomes ffe1f800?

Letting u-boot store its environment outside the u-boot sector 
(<0xfff0000) works perfectly but will cost me a flash sector dedicated 
for the environment. I rather do without since I realy need that space.

thanks in advance,
   Wolter Kamphuis

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