[U-Boot-Users] tiny patch for examples/Makefile (objcopy related)

Detlev Zundel dzu at denx.de
Wed Dec 10 17:13:55 CET 2003

Hi Wolfgang & Cam,

> Dear Cam,
> in message <3FCDEA1B.6010306 at mesias.co.uk> you wrote:
>> Here is a short patch for the examples/Makefile. This improves 
>> reliability in the case of a deficient toolchain.
>> diff -urN u-boot-1.0.0.orig/examples/Makefile u-boot-1.0.0/examples/Makefile
>> --- u-boot-1.0.0.orig/examples/Makefile	2003-10-14 20:43:56.000000000 +0100
>> +++ u-boot-1.0.0/examples/Makefile	2003-12-03 11:21:04.000000000 +0000
>> @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
>>  	$(OBJCOPY) -O srec $(<:.o=) $@
>>  %.bin:	%.srec
>> -	$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ 2>/dev/null
>> +	$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $(<:.srec=) $@ 2>/dev/null
>>  #########################################################################

> Thanks, added.

Are you aware, that you effectively have a misleading rule now?  The
rule says how to generate ".bin" from ".srec" files, while in the
command pattern you explicitely use none of the prerequisites but the
hand-derived ELF file.  This might potentially mess up make's rule

As I am on holiday right now, I am too lazy to come up with a cleaner
fix, I just wanted to phrase my concern.


<ESC>:!emacs %

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