[U-Boot-Users] directly execute linux zImage: cmd_bootz

Holger Schurig h.schurig at mn-logistik.de
Thu Jan 23 09:29:43 CET 2003

> AFAICS 2.4 uses the tag list if there is one prepared by the bootloader.

No, it doesn't. See


to find out that a boot loader should pass the address of the tag list in r2 
to the kernel. It's near the end. And then see


to see that 2.4-kernels currently don't use r2 and can't use in order to stay 
compatible. In fact, a 2.4. kernel trashes r2 right at the start, see


However, 2.5-kernels already employ the r2-rule.

I'm not sure, but I think that only Kernels for ARM (and for XScale) use this 
tagging at all, correct?

> See
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1531608&forum_id=128

Ahh, here is the trick, use gd->bd->bi_boot_params


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