[U-Boot-Users] Transfer MAC address from u-boot to Linux kernel

Marius Groeger mag at sysgo.de
Tue Jan 28 17:45:35 CET 2003

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Robert Schwebel wrote:

> I'm wondering what the "correct" way to export a MAC address from u-boot
> to a Linux kernel. No official driver but the au1000_eth one seems to
> have support for a "ethaddr=" command line parameter, and I think this
> does only work with "ethaddr=" being on the kernel commandline, not in
> the u-boot environment.
> How is this intended to work?

As usual, it depends. On PPCs for example, the bd_info structure is
passed into the kernel, and drivers can access the MAC address from
there. The right way to do it on ARM would probably be to define a
corresponding tag.

There are also patches to access the U-Boot environment right in the
flash using MTD.


Marius Groeger           SYSGO Real-Time Solutions AG       mgroeger at sysgo.de
Software Engineering     Embedded and Real-Time Software    www.sysgo.de
Voice: +49-6136-9948-0   Am Pfaffenstein 14                 www.osek.de
FAX:   +49-6136-9948-10  55270 Klein-Winternheim, Germany   www.elinos.com

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