[U-Boot-Users] Bug in at91rm9200_ether.c

Steven Scholz steven.scholz at imc-berlin.de
Sat Oct 18 18:19:55 CEST 2003

Hi there,

I think there's terrible bug in the U-Boot ethernet driver for AT91RM9200 cpus.

The function at91rm9200_EmacWritePhy() does not write the correct data.
Attached patch fixes that.


Steven Scholz

imc Measurement & Control               imc Meßsysteme GmbH
Voltastr. 5                             Voltastr. 5
13355 Berlin                            13355 Berlin
Germany                                 Deutschland
fon: +49 30 467090-0                    Tel: 030 / 467090-0
fax: +49 30 4631576                     fax: 030 / 4631576

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