[U-Boot-Users] U-Boot-1.0.0 released

Wolfgang Denk wd at denx.de
Fri Oct 31 13:34:51 CET 2003

Dear Matias,

in message <37FB7AA6F5F9814FB634A7BF4C35A6F501213C23 at ESEALNT442.al.sw.ericsson.se> you wrote:
> Works very fine on a PQ2FADS-VR board.
> Going to port it further to a custom board we are developing.
> What shall I do with the changes/modifications we are doing 
> for our custom board? Shall I send the ported U-boot to you 

Please feel free to send me a patch to  have  it  included  into  the
"official" source tree.

> Wolfgang? I have a GPL splinter in my mind ...

Yes, U-Boot is covered by the GPL.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at denx.de
It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone to  believe  anything
upon  insufficient  evidence.  - W. K. Clifford, British philosopher,
circa 1876

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