[U-Boot-Users] OCOTEA tech details

Andrew Wozniak awozniak at mc.com
Thu Aug 12 15:15:27 CEST 2004

Thanks to everyone that responded. I now have the necessary documentation.


Ralph Siemsen wrote:
> Andrew Wozniak wrote:
>> Could anyone suggest where I can find the necessary technical details 
>> for the ocotea, to assist with my port?
> Docs are still available from IBM:
> http://www-306.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/products/PowerPC_440GX_Embedded_Processor 
> and particular the "User Guide" which describes all the onboard 
> peripherals, memory map of CPU etc.
> http://www-306.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/techdocs/8D7ED9725397528E87256C850068F58E 
> Presumably these will eventually move to the AMCC web site.
> -R

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