[U-Boot-Users] error: invalid option `cpu=4kc

Jattin Dudakia jdudakia at hifn.com
Tue Dec 14 08:32:02 CET 2004

My apologies, but I don't know what you mean by the following. If you can elaborate, I can correct in the future.
[And by the way: please learn how to quote correctly. Don't top-post.]

Again, I appreciate you help.

I got further with the latest sources, but now I get the error shown below.

a - spartan2.o
a - usb.o
a - usb_kbd.o
a - usb_storage.o
a - virtex2.o
a - xilinx.o
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jdudakia/u-boot-041213/common'
UNDEF_SYM=`mips_4KC-objdump -x lib_generic/libgeneric.a board/tb0229/libtb0229.a cpu/mips/libmips.a lib_mips/libmips.a fs/cramfs/libcramfs.a fs/fat/libfat.a fs/fdos/libfdos.a fs/jffs2/libjffs2.a fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a net/libnet.a disk/libdisk.a rtc/librtc.a dtt/libdtt.a drivers/libdrivers.a drivers/sk98lin/libsk98lin.a post/libpost.a post/cpu/libcpu.a common/libcommon.a |sed  -n -e 's/.*\(__u_boot_cmd_.*\)/-u\1/p'|sort|uniq`;\
        mips_4KC-ld -Bstatic -T /home/jdudakia/u-boot-041213/board/tb0229/u-boot.lds -Ttext 0xBFC00000  $UNDEF_SYM cpu/mips/start.o \
                --start-group lib_generic/libgeneric.a board/tb0229/libtb0229.a cpu/mips/libmips.a lib_mips/libmips.a fs/cramfs/libcramfs.a fs/fat/libfat.a fs/fdos/libfdos.a fs/jffs2/libjffs2.a fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a net/libnet.a disk/libdisk.a rtc/librtc.a dtt/libdtt.a drivers/libdrivers.a drivers/sk98lin/libsk98lin.a post/libpost.a post/cpu/libcpu.a common/libcommon.a --no-warn-mismatch -L /opt/eldk3.1/usr/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/mips-linux/3.3.3 -lgcc --end-group \
                -Map u-boot.map -o u-boot
cpu/mips/start.o(.text+0x460): In function `reset':
: undefined reference to `_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_'
make: *** [u-boot] Error 139
[root at new-pws450 u-boot-041213]#


-----Original Message-----
From: wd at denx.de [mailto:wd at denx.de]
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 1:25 PM
To: Jattin Dudakia
Cc: u-boot-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [U-Boot-Users] error: invalid option `cpu=4kc 

In message <CFA9FA7615FFD04DB8FD8E34A3FF7F468DF5E3 at sjcxch02.tbu.com> you wrote:
> I got the ISO image from the following:
> /ftp/mirror/eldk/eldk/3.1/mips-linux-x86/iso
> mips-2004-11-10.iso                       10-Nov-2004 08:09
> This is what I have installed on my machine. Do I need something newer
> then this?

This is ok. But you wrote:

> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jdudakia/u-boot-1.1.1/examples'
> You use old source code.

This is old U-Boot source code.

> Please use recent sources (top of CVS, or at least  the  snapshot  as
> included with the ELDK 3.1 distribution).

Do that, then.

[And by the way: please learn how to quote correctly. Don't top-post.]

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at denx.de
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