[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH]: revised itest command

Robin Gilks robin.gilks at tait.co.nz
Tue Feb 10 03:29:04 CET 2004


A slow day today so here is a revised itest command with provisional 
support for comparing strings as well :-))

Now table driven to allow the operators
-eq, -ne, -lt, -gt, -le, -ge, ==, !=, <>, <, >, <=, >=

Uses the expected command modifier for integer compares of width 1, 2 or 
4 bytes of .b, .w, .l and the new modifer of .s for a string compare. 
String comparison is over the length of the shorter, this hopefully 
avoids missing terminators when using an indirect pointer.

if itest.l *40000 == 12345678 then; ....
if itest.w *40000 != 1234 then; ....
if itest.b *40000 >= 12 then; ....
if itest.s *40000 -eq hello then; ....

Robin Gilks
Senior Design Engineer          Phone: (+64)(3) 357 1569
Tait Electronics                Fax  :  (+64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch        Email : robin.gilks at tait.co.nz
New Zealand
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