[U-Boot-Users] SystemACE support for u-boot via fat

Stephen Williams gfi8d1h02 at sneakemail.com
Tue Feb 10 19:18:43 CET 2004

Demke, Torsten Torsten.Demke-at-fci.com |u-boot-users| wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> I would recommed:
> "diff -purN --exclude=CVS your_local_CVS_dir clean_checkout_CVS_dir"

Which is ultimately what I did. Needed to do a make mrproper
as well to clean up the work directory, and add a few more
excludes, and edit out some parts of the diff that were not
part of the patch, but I got it done, and posted the result
yesterday evening. ... as an attachment:-)

This mailing list seems to have a very *slow* turn around,
so you might have missed it.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Stephen Williams [mailto:gfi8d1h02 at sneakemail.com]
>>Sent: Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 18:52
>>To: u-boot-users at lists.sourceforge.net
>>Subject: Re: [U-Boot-Users] SystemACE support for u-boot via fat
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Stephan Linz linz-at-mazet.de |u-boot-users| wrote:
>>| Am Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 01:29 schrieb Stephen Williams:
>>|>"cvs diff -puRN" does not include new files, the -N flag is
>>|>useless in that context as cvs does not know of those files
>>|>so does not even try to diff them. You will need to accept
>>| Are you realy right ? The CVS short help 'cvs --help diff' says:
>>| " -N      include diffs for added and removed files."
>>| The man page of GNU diff says:
>>| " -N
>>|   --new-file
>>|     In directory comparison, if a file is found in only one 
>>|     it as present but empty in the other directory."
>>If I had write access to the repository, then I could
>>"cvs add" the files and then use "cvs diff -N" to get
>>the desired patch. But then, if I had write acces to the
>>repository, I could just add it without patches flying
>>- --
>>Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
>>steve at XXXXXXXXXX           But I have promises to keep,
>>http://www.XXXXXXXXXX         and lines to code before I sleep,
>>http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at XXXXXXXXXX           But I have promises to keep,
http://www.XXXXXXXXXX         and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."

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