[U-Boot-Users] Bug in AT91RM9200 ethernet

Steven Scholz steven.scholz at imc-berlin.de
Tue Feb 24 16:08:55 CET 2004

Hi there,

I found a bug in AT91RM9200 ethernet driver: The PHY is accessed (and 
often not detected) _before_ the MII interface is actually 
initialized. Please consider the attached patch.

* Patch by Steven Scholz, 24 Feb 2004:
   - Fix a bug in AT91RM9200 ethernet driver:
     The MII interface is now initialized before accessing the PHY.


Steven Scholz

imc Measurement & Control               imc Meßsysteme GmbH
Voltastr. 5                             Voltastr. 5
13355 Berlin                            13355 Berlin
Germany                                 Deutschland

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