[U-Boot-Users] Problems with u-boot, PPChameleonEVB and MontaVista kernel

Marius Groeger mgroeger at sysgo.com
Tue Feb 24 16:22:27 CET 2004

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Andy Hawkins wrote:

> > You have a load address and entry point of 0x0.
> > You can't load and run Linux at 0x0.  Try something more sensible
> > like 0x400000.
> The image that comes with the board (and boots fine) has the load and
> entry addresses both set to zero...

Guys, don't confuse the load address of the pImage with the *download
address*, ie. the one used for tftp. Your setting of 0/0 for the load
address and entry point is correct.

However, from your initial post I gathered that your MV kernel does
not have BSP support for your hardware. It is unlikely that a simple
adaption of the boot info structure will be sufficient. Check out the
relevant files in arch/ppc/{platforms,kernel} as well as the configure
options in arch/ppc/config.in and look for things specific for your


Marius Groeger <mgroeger at sysgo.com>
Project Manager

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