[U-Boot-Users] Some puzzles on dram_size()

SAM SONG samsongshu at yahoo.com.cn
Sun Jan 4 07:41:34 CET 2004


Sorry for sending the same topic mail again.Pls delet
the former mail with the same topic for my mistaken

When porting u-boot on LITE_DW,I found that the
following code in RPXlite.c couldn't get through.I
traced the code by BDI2000 and DDD and knew that the
problem perhaps was save[32].In the "for" cycle,the
dimension of save[] must beyond 32 limit by
[maxsize/sizeof(long)]/2.I changed save[] dimension to
big enough but still in vain.I don't know
why.Finally,I masked the following code and booted
successfully.How does the following code work
normally?If I masked the code,is there any potential

ulong		   save[32];

for (cnt = maxsize/sizeof(long); cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1) {
      addr = base + cnt;	/* pointer arith! */
      save[i++] = *addr;
      *addr = ~cnt;
/* write 0 to base address */
addr = base;
save[i] = *addr;
*addr = 0;

/* check at base address */
if ((val = *addr) != 0) {
         *addr = save[i];
	return (0);

for (cnt = 1; cnt <= maxsize/sizeof(long); cnt <<= 1)
	addr = base + cnt;	/* pointer arith! */

	val = *addr;
	*addr = save[--i];

if (val != (~cnt)) {
	return (cnt * sizeof(long));

Best regards,

Sam Song

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