[U-Boot-Users] u-boot and ramdisk

Wolfgang Denk wd at denx.de
Thu May 6 08:56:56 CEST 2004

In message <2574043332486841A5B27A5FE9769E4501447B5E at esealnt888.al.sw.ericsson.se> you wrote:
> Can someone tell if u-boot or it's predecessor armboot supports booting the linux kernel from a ramdisk, and how this is done?

This question is not clear. "Booting from a ramdisk"? 

> I am sure there are some doc's about it. I found a lot of doc's from other bootloader and ramdisk's in general, but nothing related to u-boot(armboot)

U-Boot does support using a ramdisk as a root filesystem, and this is
pretty well documented - both in the README and a bit more in  detail
in the DULG (http://www.denx.de/twiki/bin/view/DULG/LinuxRamdiskRoot)

But if you mean that you want to  put  a  Linux  kernel  image  in  a
ramdisk based filesystem - well, this simply makes no sense at all.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at denx.de
Accident: A condition in which presence of mind is good, but  absence
of body is better.

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