[U-Boot-Users] Size and format of standalone apps

Robin Gilks robin.gilks at tait.co.nz
Thu Sep 9 00:01:11 CEST 2004

Marc Leeman wrote:
>>It appears to be associated with libgcc so perhaps there is a way of
>>forcing these functions to be inlined? Is there a way of avoiding them
>>altogether or perhaps since U-Boot has already included them, maybe more
>>vectors to gain access to them?
> If size is a concern, you can try the uclibc alternative for glibc. Though
> I do not remember of the sizes of the binaries are smaller, the entire 
> system certainly is (half the size or more).

Unfortunately, U-Boot does not use any libc runtime so glibc or uclibc 
choices are all void (although I am using uclibc for the rest of my 

Thanks for the thought though...

Robin Gilks
Senior Design Engineer          Phone: (+64)(3) 357 1569
Tait Electronics                Fax  :  (+64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch        Email : robin.gilks at tait.co.nz
New Zealand

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