[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] Spartan3 family support

Kurt Stremerch kurt.stremerch at exys.be
Wed Apr 27 16:35:36 CEST 2005

> I've just applied your patch to add Spartan III support on my custom
> hardware (PPChameleon AMCC405EP).
> To write the board-specific functions I used the file
> as starting point. I work with cross GCC 2.95.4 provided by ELDK
> The programming technique is slave serial.
> To make the code to work I had to apply some slight changes:
> 1) In function Spartan3_ss_load I had to replace this line
>          (*fn->wr) ((val < 0), TRUE, cookie);
> with
>          if (val & 0x80) {
>                  (*fn->wr) (1, TRUE, cookie);
>          } else {
>                  (*fn->wr) (0, TRUE, cookie);
>          }
> It seems the compiler does not like the expression (val < 0) because
> it is always evaluated to 0.
> 2) It seems the board-specific function fpga_done_fn in
> board/gen860t/fpga.c
> is wrong because it returns the error codes (either FPGA_SUCCESS or
> FPGA_FAIL). In my
> understanding it must return the state of the pin (0 when the DONE
> pin is low, 1 when it is high).

I can't commit my own fpga.c (spartan3) because this patch is not
commited. The gen860t isn't my board but if they should make the changes
to the gen860t code as you suggested, it wouldn't work. That's because
the gen860t uses the parallel mode of configuring its Virtex2, if you
check Virtex2_ssm_load(), Spartan3_sp_load() or Spartan2_sp_load() you
can see that the while condition that checks the DONE pin state is:

while ((*fn->done) (cookie) == FPGA_FAIL) {
in stead of:
while (! (*fn->done) (cookie)) { 

I tried to keep the code as compatibel with Spartan2 as I mentioned in
the patch mail. Also by comparing with a fpga state here, it becomes
more clear. Therefore it's maybe better to change the while condition in
the Spartan3_ss_load() function. I can be wrong, don't hesitate to
correct me if you disagree.

> 3) I tried to use both the "fpga load" and "fpga loadb" commands
> respectively with the .bin and .bit files. The first one runs
> while the latter fails. In this case the header is parsed correctly
> but the FPGA is not programmed and the DONE does not go high.

The loadb function is a wrapper around the load function that converts
your bitstream file first. Could you check what the difference is
between your manually converted bitsteam file and the data that loadb
creates? Imagine that the fpga startup clock configuration is set to the
JTAG clock. Your conversion tool could change this automatically into
the config clock. But the loadb doesn't make any change to your
bitstream before the conversion takes place. This results in a
successful configuration in "fpga load" but not in "fpga loadb".

Kind regards

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