[U-Boot-Users] is there a bug in cfi_flash.c

Yusuf Ibrahim Ozkok yozkok at aselsan.com.tr
Wed Jun 8 13:49:19 CEST 2005


There might be a bug in the code for reading status register in cfi_flash 
driver.  In the function "flash_isset" it's directly read as reading from 
memory. But in intel's data sheet (for 28F640C3T) reading status register is 
described as below.

    Read Status Register

    The status register indicates the status of device operations, and the 
success/failure of that

    operation. The Read Status Register (0x70) command causes subsequent 
reads to output data from

    the status register until another command is issued. To return to 
reading from the array, issue a

    Read Array (0xFF) command.

So before reading for SR, "Read Status Register" (0x70) command must be 
written to the flash.

But I think this driver is beeing used by several boards. So if this driver 
is tested and it's working, I should be missing something?

What am I missing?

Thank you.


Software Eng. - Aselsan Inc.


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