[U-Boot-Users] Trouble in cfi_flash, help please!
Yusuf Ibrahim Ozkok
yozkok at aselsan.com.tr
Tue Jun 14 13:09:53 CEST 2005
I'm still in trouble with cfi_flash. My previous posts on the subject can be
reached by the following links;
Every thing works well if I use command prompt of u-boot ( using mw.l and md
commands as Yuli suggested.)
mw.l ff000000 60606060
mw.l ff000000 d0d0d0d0
md ff000000
But somehow protect command which calls flash_real_protect insists on not to
work :-(
(Actually everything seems to be alright, but why it doesn't work!!!)
I have modified flash_real_protect() as follows, to see what is going on.
I can read status register first of all by sending the cmd 0x70. But
whenever I send the command to unprotect a block
I get a status of 0xb0 which indicates a failure!
Below in the modified function, after sending cmd_protect I send a reset and
clear status commands, because after calling protect off command at the
command prompt, sending a 0x60 results with b0 on the status register. Then
sending cmd_protect and clear_status and 0x60 results with 0x80(which is
expected to) on the status register (returns from failure condition). So I
tried that sequence in flash_real_protect().
int flash_real_protect (flash_info_t * info, long sector, int prot)
int retcode = 0;
/*yio: flash_print_StatusBits(info, sector);*/
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, 0x70);
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n", 0x70,
info->start[sector], *(unsigned long *)(info->start[sector]));
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS);
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n", FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS,
info->start[sector], *(unsigned long *)(info->start[sector]));
udelay(10000); /*not needed but maybe I need to wait*/
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_PROTECT);
udelay(10000); /*not needed but maybe I need to wait*/
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n", FLASH_CMD_PROTECT,
info->start[sector], *(unsigned long *)(info->start[sector]));
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_RESET);
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n", FLASH_CMD_RESET,
info->start[sector], *(unsigned long *)(info->start[sector]));
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS);
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n", FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS,
info->start[sector], *(unsigned long *)(info->start[sector]));
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_PROTECT);
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n", FLASH_CMD_PROTECT,
info->start[sector], *(unsigned long *)(info->start[sector]));
if (prot)
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_SET);
else {
flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_CLEAR);
printf("yio: after 0x%x addr=0x%x databus: 0x%x\n",
FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_CLEAR, info->start[sector], *(unsigned long
if ((retcode = flash_full_status_check (info, sector, info->erase_blk_tout,
prot ? "protect" : "unprotect")) == 0) {
info->protect[sector] = prot;
/* Intel's unprotect unprotects all locking *yio/
if (prot == 0) {
flash_sect_t i;
printf("yio: entering for loop in flash_real_protect\n");
for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
if (info->protect[i])
flash_real_protect (info, i, 1);
} ~yio*/
printf("yio: flash_real_protect retcode=%d\n", retcode);
return retcode;
Debug messages are below;
=> protect off ff000000 ff03ffff
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd 70 0070007000700070 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0x70 addr=0xff000000 databus: 0x800080
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd 50 0050005000500050 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0x50 addr=0xff000000 databus: 0x27051956
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd 60 0060006000600060 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0x60 addr=0xff000000 databus: 0xb000b0
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd ff 00ff00ff00ff00ff 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0xff addr=0xff000000 databus: 0x27051956
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd 50 0050005000500050 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0x50 addr=0xff000000 databus: 0x27051956
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd 60 0060006000600060 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0x60 addr=0xff000000 databus: 0xb000b0
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd d0 00d000d000d000d0 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: after 0xd0 addr=0xff000000 databus: 0x27051956
yio: in flash_isset
flash_is_busy: 1
yio: in flash_isset
flash_is_busy: 1
yio: in flash_isset
flash_is_busy: 1
yio: in flash_isset
flash_is_busy: 1
yio: in flash_isset
flash_is_busy: 1
yio: in flash_isset
flash_is_busy: 1
long addr is at ff000000 info->portwidth = 8
addr[0] = 0x27
addr[1] = 0x5
addr[2] = 0x19
addr[3] = 0x56
addr[4] = 0x55
addr[5] = 0x2d
addr[6] = 0x42
addr[7] = 0x6f
addr[8] = 0x6f
addr[9] = 0x74
addr[a] = 0x20
addr[b] = 0x31
addr[c] = 0x2e
addr[d] = 0x31
addr[e] = 0x2e
addr[f] = 0x32
addr[10] = 0x20
addr[11] = 0x28
addr[12] = 0x4a
addr[13] = 0x75
addr[14] = 0x6e
addr[15] = 0x20
addr[16] = 0x20
addr[17] = 0x37
addr[18] = 0x20
addr[19] = 0x32
addr[1a] = 0x30
addr[1b] = 0x30
addr[1c] = 0x35
addr[1d] = 0x20
addr[1e] = 0x2d
addr[1f] = 0x20
Flash unprotect timeout at address ff000000 data 326f2037
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd ff 00ff00ff00ff00ff 64 bit x 16 bit
is= cmd 80(?) addr ff000000 is= 27051956552d426f 0080008000800080
Flash unprotect error at address ff000000
yio: in flash_isset
yio: in flash_isset
yio: in flash_isset
yio: in flash_isset
yio: in flash_isset
fwrite addr ff000000 cmd ff 00ff00ff00ff00ff 64 bit x 16 bit
yio: flash_real_protect retcode=8
.Un-Protected 1 sectors
Thank you very much
Yusuf Ibrahim Ozkok.
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