[U-Boot-Users] uninitialized list_head in miiphy routines

Matthias Fuchs matthias.fuchs at esd-electronics.com
Fri Nov 18 09:54:18 CET 2005


I experienced some trouble with the new PHY code on our 4xx boards. The 
code seems to be added on october, 28th.

This is what happens: When our boards wake up for the very first time no 
ethaddr is configured. Therefore no network interface will be available 
(you get the message: 'Net: no ethernet found.'). This will prevent 
miiphy_register() to be called. This function initializes a list with 
all PHYs (mii_devs). When this function is never called before any of 
the miiphy functions is called, these functions will crash during the 
search (list_for_each(...)) for the correct PHY driver.

This happens in our implementation of reset_phy() 

I expect the miiphy functions to return with an error when a PHY 
interface is not availble. This will ony work when the mii_devs 
list_head is initilized in any case.

I appended a little patch that introduces miiphy_init() that must be 
called before any miiphy function. The patch is tested on 4xx systems.

Are there any better ways to do it?

Wolfgang, do you accept this patch?

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