[U-Boot-Users] build error for omap5912osk on u-boot 1.1.4

Hiroki Kaminaga kaminaga at sm.sony.co.jp
Wed Feb 1 06:45:44 CET 2006


While building u-boot-1.1.4 for omap5912osk, I got following error:

	arm-sony-linux-ld -Bstatic -T u-boot-1.1.4/board/omap5912osk/u-boot.lds -Ttext 0x11080000  $UNDEF_SYM cpu/arm926ejs/start.o \
		--start-group lib_generic/libgeneric.a board/omap5912osk/libomap5912osk.a cpu/arm926ejs/libarm926ejs.a lib_arm/libarm.a fs/cramfs/libcramfs.a fs/fat/libfat.a fs/fdos/libfdos.a fs/jffs2/libjffs2.a fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a fs/ext2/libext2fs.a net/libnet.a disk/libdisk.a rtc/librtc.a dtt/libdtt.a drivers/libdrivers.a drivers/sk98lin/libsk98lin.a post/libpost.a post/cpu/libcpu.a common/libcommon.a --end-group -L /usr/local/arm-sony-linux/devel/lib/gcc/arm-sony-linux/3.4.4 -lgcc \
		-Map u-boot.map -o u-boot
lib_arm/libarm.a(board.o)(.text+0x1c4): In function `start_armboot':
u-boot-1.1.4/lib_arm/board.c:236: undefined reference to `flash_init'
common/libcommon.a(cmd_bootm.o)(.text+0x56c): In function `do_imls':
u-boot-1.1.4/common/cmd_bootm.c:1160: undefined reference to `flash_info'
(and more flash related undef ref)
common/libcommon.a(flash.o)(.text+0x2a8): In function `flash_write':
u-boot-1.1.4/common/flash.c:177: undefined reference to `write_buff'
make: *** [u-boot] Error 1

This was due to file removal of board/omap5912osk/flash.c, which was in
u-boot-1.1.3. Looking at board/omap5912osk/Makefile, I assume intention of 
removing this file is to use drivers/cfi_flash.c as in omap1510inn.

However, in order to use drivers/cfi_flash.c, CFG_FLASH_CFI_DRIVER
macro must be defined, but it was not, in omap5912osk.h.
(It is defined in omap1510inn.h)

What else do I have to #define other than CFG_FLASH_CFI_DRIVER?

Best Regards,


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