[U-Boot-Users] slow boot

Wolfgang Denk wd at denx.de
Thu Jul 6 11:45:23 CEST 2006

In message <200607061129.34622.takacs.aron at infracont.hu> you wrote:
> -Time to the first output on the serial console (baudrate: 115200): ~3 sec

Sounds as if your system is seriously misconfigured.

Where is your environment stored? Is this by chance in a EEPROM device?

> So I have delays after the messages: "Err: serial" and "Entry Point: > 
> a0008000".
> I have set "verify=no" in the environment.
> Any ideas how to make the boot faster?

The beaviour you see is not normal, but without knowing your hardware
and your modifications to the code  it  is  impossible  to  give  any
specific help.

As a general rule: version 1.1.2 is very old. Please update.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at denx.de
"There's only one kind of woman ..." "Or man, for  that  matter.  You
either believe in yourself or you don't."
	-- Kirk and Harry Mudd, "Mudd's Women", stardate 1330.1

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