[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] Indirect register access through PPC440 DCR.

Leonid Leonid at a-k-a.net
Thu Oct 12 22:55:24 CEST 2006

On Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:58 AM Stefan Roese wrote:
> sorry for being so insistent but there are still some issues that need
> to be cleaned up in your patch. Please see below...

No worries, quite opposite, I appreciate your comments.

> Please use tabs for indentation. Indentation size is 8 by the way.
> This is a problem in the complete patch.

Well, I kind of did, but looks like xemacs, I'm using has different tab
configuration. I've inserted tabs using vi, now they are 8 spaces each.

> Space before and after the "=".


> Why are here 2 spaces before the "="? It's not aligned to another
> line of code. Please use just one space.


>	*ptr = 0;
> > +    ptr++; /* will point to dat_dcr */
> And why not:

>	*ptr++ = 0;


> Space after if again.



Existing getdcr and setdcr monitor functions don't allow indirect access
to PPC440 registers in one step. It's still possible theoretically use
setdcr to write offset into correct address DCRN and then read/write
from data DCRN, but that doesn't work if address got updated in the
middle. For instance, I never could read value of SDR0_PINSTP
(address/data DCRNs 0xE/0xF, offset 0x40) - immediately after me
somebody changed address DCRN to 0x20.

The solution is to implement new special functions getidcr/setidcr for
indirect access with following format:

getidcr adr_dcrn[.dat_dcrn] offset
setidcr adr_dcrn[.dat_dcrn] offset value

dat_dcrn will be set adr_dcrn+1 if omitted.

Examples (Yosemite PPC440EP board has been used):

1. Read SDR0_PINSTP:

=> getidcr e 40
000e.000f-0040 Read  e0000000

2. Read SDR0_CUST0, update it and read back:

=> getidcr e 4000
000e.000f-4000 Read  40082350

=> setidcr e.f 4000 50082350
000e.000f-4000 Write 50082350

=> getidcr e 4000
000e.000f-4000 Read  50082350


* Add monitor functions for indirect access to PPC440 registers
  via Data Control Register (DCR).

PATCH: (diff file ppc440dcr_diff.txt attached).

Signed-off-by: Leonid Baryudin <leonid at a-k-a.net>
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