[U-Boot-Users] The format of input and output files is the same of WinDump and tcpdump.
Justeen Koikkalainen
Justeen-Koikkalainen at IslandChevrolet.com
Wed Aug 15 19:47:58 CEST 2007
T.h*i+s g.e,m is reall,y movabl*e !!
T h+i*s o*n_e is real*ly profitable+!!_!
H a'v e y-o-u b.e+e*n w atch-ing t*h.i-s f o_r t_h_e l'a-s.t w,e*e_k*?
T*a+k e a l o_o.k at it:
rece+nt n*e w+s release.,s s+e*n-t g+e'nerating g rowing i*ntere'st in C Y-T,V
Com.p any: CHI_NA YOU_TV C-O+R.P ('O_T+C BB_:CY+TV.OB)
S t o c k: C-Y+T+V
Cur+rent P+rice: $ .-4'9
4,t,h S*trai.ght d*a'y's we h a-v,e s e_e-n t-h+i s climb . (_S*e-e Ya+hoo Chart-Ne_*w N+e,w+s relea'se)
T*h-i,s o+n*e h,a+s h.a.d n,i'c+e ret-urns f o_r in,vestor+s o-v-e+r t,h.e summer*, and
n-o_w s'hows pr-omise to beg-in a sec-ond w.a v'e of return,s.
K*e e.p a e*y e o_u t agai n on W ednesda y A u,g 15*....
N*e.a+r h,i'm a parro,t w a_s picki*ng o'u t envelo-pe-s, en_-closing pape'rs w*hich t_o_l-d fo+'rtunes a+n*d g'a*v-e de+ta'iled de*script ions of t_h*e p a.s.t-.
W_h,e*n y.o'u h+a.v,e so.m ething in y o+u_r h*a'n d t+h a_t h+a+s a littl.e bliste'r t_h*a_t s*tarts to pee*l, y+o*u can'*t h*e'l.p f.,iddling w'i't.h it.
H'i-s a'r'm-s w.e-r e pla.ste-red to h*i+s sid.es, as if he w.e,r,e r-eci+ting a lesson,.
T-h+e-y de fine a hi. gh-level, machine-independent, O+S-i'ndependent v_i*e+w of a pri'nt ser,ver.
Sh'ort r_u.l-e ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.
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