[U-Boot-Users] BDI2000 problems flashing virgin custom 8548board
robert lazarski
robertlazarski at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 16:26:48 CEST 2007
On 8/30/07, Swarthout Edward L-SWARTHOU <ed.swarthout at freescale.com> wrote:
> From: robert lazarski
> >
> > Which manual? I tried
> See Chapter 2. "Memory map" and " Boot ROM Location" in:
> http://www.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/ref_manual/MPC8548ERM.pdf
> Without the BDI configuration, you get a 8M window to the boot device
> of your choice. This is controlled by three configuration pins.
> You also get a 1M window into the configuration space at ff70_0000.
> This typically is moved to e000_0000 in u-boot.
> -EdS
Another day all, thanks for helping.
Here's what we don't understand about the manual and the CDS example
in respect to our flash - both I and the hardware engineer are in
doubt here. In Table 2-8. LAWARn we have for bits 8-11:
0000 PCI1/PCI-X
0001 PCI2
0010 PCI Express
0011 Reserved
0100 Local bus memory controller
1100 RapidIO
So what we see is that the CDS example is putting 1GB on the local bus
- is this for the flash?
WM32 0xe0000C28 0x000c0000 ;LAWBAR0 : @0xc0000000
WM32 0xe0000C30 0x8040001d ;LAWAR0 : Local Bus 1GB
Do we have to assign a LAW to our flash in order to write to it? Ben
suggested assigning a LAW from 0xf8000000 to 0xffffffff (our 128MB
flash) . How would we go about doing that on the 8548 ? We tried:
WM32 0xe0000C08 0xF8000000 ;LAWBAR0 : @0xc0000000
WM32 0xe0000C10 0x8040001d ;LAWAR0 : Local Bus 1GB
atum>mdh 0xf8000000
# SAP: read access failed
Here's the current config we are trying to use, please help!
;bdiGDB configuration file for Atum's 8548A
; use the following two lines for STARTUP HALT
WSPR 63 0xffff0000 ;IVPR to boot core
WSPR 415 0x0000f000 ;IVOR15 : Debug exception
;================= setup for flash programming ===============
; Move CCSRBAR to 0xe0000000
WM32 0xff700000 0x000e0000 ;CCSRBAR to 0xe0000000
; Initialize LAWBAR's
WM32 0xe0000C08 0x000c0000 ;LAWBAR1 : @0xc0000000
WM32 0xe0000C10 0x8040001d ;LAWAR1 : Local Bus 1GB
; Setup Flash chip select
WM32 0xe0005000 0xf8001001 ;BR0
WM32 0xe0005004 0xf8006E65 ;OR0
; Enable flash programming
WM16 0xfe000000 0x0060 ;clear flash lock-bits
WM16 0xfe000000 0x00d0
DELAY 1000
WM16 0xfe000000 0xffff
;================= end flash programming =====================
CPUTYPE 8548 ;the CPU type
JTAGCLOCK 0 ;use 16 MHz JTAG clock
;STARTUP STOP 5000 ;let U-boot code setup the system
STARTUP HALT ;halt core while HRESET is asserted
BREAKMODE HARD ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoint
STEPMODE HWBP ;JTAG or HWBP, HWBP uses a hardware breakpoint
WAKEUP 500 ;give reset time to complete
POWERUP 5000 ;start delay after power-up detected in ms
FILE vmlinux.8548
LOAD MANUAL ;load code MANUAL or AUTO after reset
DUMP dump
PROMPT 3ep8548a>
CHIPSIZE 0x8000000 ;The size of one flash chip in bytes - 1Gb
BUSWIDTH 16 ;The width of the flash memory bus in bits (8 | 16 | 32)
FILE u-boot.bin
FORMAT BIN 0xF8000000
ERASE 0xF8000000 ;erase sector 0
FILE $reg8548.def
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