[U-Boot-Users] How to determine the values assigned to -a and -e options of mkimage tool?
Jarod Wang
mailtojarod at yahoo.com.cn
Thu Feb 8 12:18:42 CET 2007
Hi all
I'm porting u-boot-1.1.4 to an smdk2410-like custom board to boot Linux 2.4.18-rmk7 kernel by using cross-2.95.3 as cross-compiler on my CentOS 4.4 powered i386 box. The board got a 64MB SDRAM mapped into 0x3000 0000 - 0x3400 0000 in S3C2410A's address space.
And yesterday I could see the output in minicom, but I was confused by the options of tools/mkimage when I tried to create an uImage file. According to the README file there are two options '-a' and '-e' which denote the 'load address' and 'entry point(address)' respectively.
So I set both of them to 0x30008000 when I built my uImage file according to the following lines in arch/arm/boot/Makefile:
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_S3C2410),y)
ZTEXTADDR = 0x30008000
ZRELADDR = 0x30008000
My question is whether these two values should be assigned to -a and -e options, and what about the value of CFG_LOAD_ADDR in configuration header file?
Any hints would be highly appreciate.
Best regards,
Jarod Wang
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