[U-Boot-Users] AT91 NAND om AT91SAM9260EK
Ulf Samuelsson
ulf at atmel.com
Sat Feb 10 10:05:43 CET 2007
> In message <012b01c74ca1$8ee35fe0$01c4af0a at Glamdring> you wrote:
>> If we go my way, then we should be able to have *tested* sam926x
>> support inside U-boot very soon, and while this results
>> in duplication of a small part of the spi code on the source level
>> (no addition to the binary) I believe that
>> the benefit to the community of at91sam926x users
>> of having native support in U-Boot outweighs this duplication a lot.
> And once it's in, who guarantees to clean it up later? And when?
>> We are not introducing any new interfaces here,
> But we're adding to the mess of duplicated code.
No, that is wrong.
today at45.c is in itself a duplication.
are duplicates (except for a bug which is not fixed in cmc_pu2)
Customers which build their own board
add additional at45.c's in their board directory.
After the patch you have a single at45.c which is common
for all at91rm9200 boards and a single spi.c which is common
for all at91rm9200 boards and an spi.c which is common for
all at91sam926x boards.
spi.c is CPU specific and the only reason you can have a single
file for the sam926x (three chips supported by that the file) contains
to select which chip.
Duplication is therefore reduced by the patch.
I am sure that you realize this if you get into the details.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
Best Regards
Ulf Samuelsson ulf at atmel.com
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