[U-Boot-Users] scb9328 breakage (CONFIG_NET_MULTI and eth_get_dev)
Andrew Dyer
amdyer at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 22:36:39 CET 2007
I have a board similar to the scb9328 that I'm working on a port to.
I tried compiling a recent version of u-boot for the scb9328 target
and it fails with a linker error (see below). The source was pulled
from git on Feb. 10, 2007. compiler is from arm ELDK-4.0
Adding a define for CONFIG_NET_MULTI in the board config file makes
the compile succeed. I don't actually have an scb9328 (or my new
board yet) so I can't test it.
Is CONFIG_NET_MULTI pretty much mandatory? If so, why even have it as
an option?
here's the error message:
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adyer/Projects/u-boot/common'
UNDEF_SYM=`arm-linux-objdump -x lib_generic/libgeneric.a
board/scb9328/libscb9328.a cpu/arm920t/libarm920t.a
cpu/arm920t/imx/libimx.a lib_arm/libarm.a fs/cramfs/libcramfs.a
fs/fat/libfat.a fs/fdos/libfdos.a fs/jffs2/libjffs2.a
fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a fs/ext2/libext2fs.a net/libnet.a
disk/libdisk.a rtc/librtc.a dtt/libdtt.a drivers/libdrivers.a
drivers/nand/libnand.a drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
drivers/sk98lin/libsk98lin.a post/libpost.a post/cpu/libcpu.a
common/libcommon.a |sed -n -e
cd /home/adyer/Projects/u-boot && arm-linux-ld
-Bstatic -T /home/adyer/Projects/u-boot/board/scb9328/u-boot.lds
-Ttext 0x08f00000 $UNDEF_SYM cpu/arm920t/start.o \
--start-group lib_generic/libgeneric.a
board/scb9328/libscb9328.a cpu/arm920t/libarm920t.a
cpu/arm920t/imx/libimx.a lib_arm/libarm.a fs/cramfs/libcramfs.a
fs/fat/libfat.a fs/fdos/libfdos.a fs/jffs2/libjffs2.a
fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a fs/ext2/libext2fs.a net/libnet.a
disk/libdisk.a rtc/librtc.a dtt/libdtt.a drivers/libdrivers.a
drivers/nand/libnand.a drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
drivers/sk98lin/libsk98lin.a post/libpost.a post/cpu/libcpu.a
common/libcommon.a --end-group -L
/home/adyer/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux/4.0.0 -lgcc \
-Map u-boot.map -o u-boot
common/libcommon.a(cmd_net.o): In function `net_check_device':
/home/adyer/Projects/u-boot/common/cmd_net.c:157: undefined reference
to `eth_get_dev'
make: *** [u-boot] Error 1
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