[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] Add .gitignore files
Grant Likely
grant.likely at secretlab.ca
Tue Feb 27 08:15:32 CET 2007
On 2/27/07, Stefan Roese <sr at denx.de> wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 February 2007 07:42, Grant Likely wrote:
> >
> > No it's not different. Your right. New files must always be
> > explicitly added.
> If I understand it correctly, then the main usage difference between you (core
> git users) and Wolfgang (and me by the way) cogito users, is the handling of
> new files. With git-update-index all new files are added to the index
> automatically (without parameters), right? Using cg-add you have to either
> name the files explicitly you want to add, or use the "-a" option.
Actually, no. I probably didn't explain well.
Cogito and core git handle new files in exactly the same way: they
must be added explicitly (with cg-add, git-update-index --add, or
git-add). It's *changed* files that are handled differently.
By default, cg-commit assumes that you want to commit *all* file
changes, and gives you the option to cull the list.
By default, git-commit assumes that you want to commit *no* file
changes, and gives you the tools to add files to the commit list (with
'git-update-index', or 'git-commit <filelist>'). Hence git-status
gets called a really large number of times.
> Even as cogito user (and I'm thinking again about switching to using the core
> git commands more and more), I vote for adding this .gitignore file, since it
> really seems to be needed in this workflow. And we want to make it as easy
> for most of the people to work on this project.
> > > You leave me no sane way out but to give in, but at least I want to
> > > understand why all this is needed. I don't get it yet.
> >
> > Hehehe, I probably owe you like 10 beers to offset some of the debates
> > I've instigated lately. Are you going to be able to make it to OLS
> > this year?
> Could be that I will make it this year. Perhaps I can act here as
> Wolfgangs "substitute"? ;-)
You'll have to fight him for it; but I probably owe you a beer or
three also. :)
Grant Likely, B.Sc. P.Eng.
Secret Lab Technologies Ltd.
grant.likely at secretlab.ca
(403) 399-0195
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