[U-Boot-Users] How to Port U-Boot to New Hardware Platform?
psyphi at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 16:18:31 CET 2007
I'm also fairly new with U-Boot, but I found an usefull link:
http://www.phptr.com/articles/article.asp?p=674698&seqNum=4&rl=1 which
explain shortly how to port a new board on U-Boot.
I hope it will be usefull for you.
2007/2/28, Ben Warren <bwarren at qstreams.com>:
> On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 11:24 +0800, Haifeng.Wu at infineon.com wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I'm fairly new to U-Boot and not familiar with the architecture of
> > U-Boot.
> > But I think the directory hierarchy can tell me that U-Boot divides all
> > the codes into board-related, CPU-related and common.
> > I'm interested in porting U-Boot to our hardware platform, yet I don't
> > know which code should be modified or added.
> >
> > Have some one done U-Boot porting for new hardware platform before?
> > Would you like to share how to do it with me?
> As we always do in engineering, find something similar to what you have
> and copy it as much as possible. If you have a new CPU, of course it's
> much more complicated.
> Board-specific stuff is in two places in the U-boot source hierarchy:
> include/configs/<YOUR_BOARD>.h - configuration information
> board/<your_board>/ - board-specific code
> You'll also have to modify the main Makefile, again following the
> example of a similar board.
> Make sure you start with the latest from the git repo:
> cg-clone git://www.denx.de/git/<project_name> <your_repository_name>/
> Recommended reading:
> http://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/Manual
> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/everyday.html
> regards,
> Ben
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