[U-Boot-Users] isoklina

Josh Norwig Josh.Norwig at actionetvigilance.org
Sat Sep 22 17:20:41 CEST 2007

R-umor N e+w+s-: 
O-nco*logy M-e'd.. I*n-c'.  (OTC': O_NCO) a C+ancer Treatme+'nt Solut+i_ons G'roup is s,a'i+d to h,a,v+e 
exper*ien ced o.v_e-r a 1000_% inc*reas_e in reve.n,ues f.o r t*h'e fisc,al 3_r+d qua,rter end_ing J-u*l-y,, 

2*0.0*7 comp,'ared w*i+t.h t.h-e pr'ior y'e_a r wh.ile fi-scal fourt*h quarte.r resul*ts f,o'r 2-0_0-7 a-r e on

trac*k to exc*eed t h-i+s year’_s th*ird quart*er result.s. 

O,N C.O a .dditionally p+lans to in+cre*ase ser+vice o ff,erings wh+ich a+r_e cu rren*tly un+derway-. 

Do.n’t w.a.i.t f,o-r t*h,e n+e w s to c'o m*e o+u+t a+n+d l*o+s'e t h+e opport.*unity to g+e t in fron_t of the

gen+eral i *nvesting publi,c.  On- cology M,e+d is in a mu,ltibill-ion do'llar i+ndust,ry w'h,e r.e 

t_h-e y a*r_e gainin_g marke_t shar_e rapidl*y. 

C a-l.l y,o.u*r broke.r n*o'w f'o*r O N.C+O-. 

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